NOBLE CAUSES | CLAW For Mandela Day 2018

CLAW For Mandela Day 2018

CLAW For Mandela Day 2018 - Noble Wealth Management

The Team from Noble Wealth Management spent its Mandela Day initiative at CLAW, where they donned not-so-protective, not-so-attractive overalls and got down and dirty to paint a timber fence with creosote, as a preservative solution. Dogs in the care of CLAW relaxed in what little bit of sunshine they could find on such a cold day, not too bothered by the activity around them. Of more interest to them were the treats they received from the Team.

The Team was given a tour of the clinic section, where dogs and puppies from the nearby township community were being treated. A mommy dog and her puppies that were being cared for in the maternity section were very excited by the attention they received.

CLAW really has very basic facilities and is in much need of volunteer assistance as well as donations from the public to be able to sterilize and offer veterinary services to this poor community.

Over the weekends they feed as many as 1000 children and adults, in addition to the animals. Members from the community come to CLAW to assist with the cleaning of the premises and are given meals in return. 

A very rewarding and humbling experience for Team Noble.


July 18 2018 By Noble Wealth Management

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