NEWS | What happens to your minor children when you die?

What happens to your minor children when you die?

While undoubtedly the worst-case scenario to consider, as parents, we need to make sure our children’s needs are accounted for in the tragic event of our untimely death. Felicia Hlophe offers some critical pointers for parents, who may not realise the dire consequences of failing to plan. 

It is important to take a long-term, considered view of providing for your minor dependants in the event of your death. Follow the steps below to make sure your bases are covered.

1. Draft a valid will
To nominate a legal guardian for your children and control how the assets in your estate are to be distributed, you must execute a valid will, keep it updated, and store it in a safe place where it can be found after your death. It is never too early or too late to execute a will.

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August 15 2022 By Felicia Hlophe - Allan Gray

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