NEWS | The Secrets To A Successful Life After Retirement
The Secrets To A Successful Life After Retirement
Struggling to face this new phase of your life?
Let’s face it, once our working lives are over and we aren’t consumed by an 8-hour work schedule (or more, for some), we aren’t quite sure how to keep ourselves occupied, or what we actually enjoy doing. But fear not, this new chapter in your life is an exciting one, and should be welcomed with open arms. This is a gift you’ve earned and should relish! Use it as a time to rediscover who you are.
We’ve rounded up a few ways to really enjoy your retirement.
- Become active
This doesn’t mean you need to spend hours on end at the gym with a personal trainer. Rather partake in a few group activities on the weekend, visit some heritage sites or get out and about at the local mall. You really want to aim for 30 – 60 minutes of exercise daily to keep a healthy heart.
- Start a new hobby
Can’t remember what you used to enjoy? Find a new hobby! The more hobbies, the better. Don’t do things in isolation, you’re guaranteed to be much happier if your chosen activities are social ones. Think golf on Saturdays with the guys, or weekly book club with the ladies. You could even become a volunteer in the community. Relook at the bucket-list and delve right in!
- Make time for friends and family
We all know the positive impact our friends and family can have on our mood. You don’t realise how much time you’ve really missed out on, or the relationships you’ve let slip, until time no longer exists. Rekindle relationships, and get together with old friends. You’ll be surprised how many people will have this same mindset and are seeking companionship filled with compassion. This is the time to make those lasting memories.
- Take a few holidays
Start planning or get going. What better time to take a short, well-deserved break, than now? Venture out and explore. It'll amaze you how a break (even if it’s just for the weekend) will reboot your system and have you feeling rejuvenated.
July 14 2017 By Noble Wealth Management Retirement, Financial Planning