NEWS | The Most Powerful Weapon Against Debt: Your Mind

The Most Powerful Weapon Against Debt: Your Mind

The Most Powerful Weapon Against Debt: Your Mind - Noble Wealth Management

The most powerful weapon you have against debt is positive thinking. Unfortunately, it is hard to have positive thoughts about reducing your debt when the media is constantly overdramatizing the severity of our generation's debt problem.

It is easy to give in to that negativity. Pretty soon you start buying into the idea that debt reduction is painful and hard.

Here's a sample of the common things people think about when they are trying to reduce their debt:

·        "I don't get to buy things I want anymore."
·        "I can no longer afford to be happy."
·        "I'm being punished for my past mistakes."
·        "People will think I'm a failure."
·        "Reducing debt is a long, hard, and painful process."
·        "My friends will think I'm a cheapskate"
·        "No one will date or marry a person who is broke."

Forget about getting out of debt! With that load of baggage on your mind all the time, you should be considered a damn hero for even getting out of bed every morning. Why not replace those negative messages with the following:

·        "I get to explore my resourcefulness and creativity."
·        "I get to focus on important things that truly make me happy: Love, family, friendship, faith, charity, and laughter."
·        "I'm building a bright future for myself and my family."
·        "People will admire me for taking control of my life."
·        "Building wealth is an exciting life long journey to success and independence."
·        "My real friends will be cheering me on."
·        "I'm lucky that I get to find a soul mate who will love me for who I am."

Go ahead and make a list of the negative thoughts you have about your financial plan, cross them out, and replace them with positive ideas. Carry this list around and refer to it constantly. There is no better weapon to get you through the test of life.

Read the full article at: 

October 23 2017 By Will Chen Financial Planning

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