NEWS | The Four Fundamental Skills Of All Investing

The Four Fundamental Skills Of All Investing

The Four Fundamental Skills Of All Investing - Noble Wealth Management

We are excited to introduce guest contributor Morgan Housel, a partner at the  Collaborative Fund (US), and an expert in behavioural finance and investing history.

In his book Succeeding, John T. Reed wrote one of the smartest things I’ve ever read: “When you first start to study a field, it seems like you have to memorize a zillion things. You don’t. What you need is to identify the core principles—generally three to twelve of them—that govern the field. The million things you thought you had to memorize are simply various combinations of the core principles.”

This extends beyond those learning a new field. I think it’s most relevant for those who consider themselves experts. The root of a lot of professional error is ignoring simple ideas that seem too basic for those with experience to pay attention to. Having seen the investing world from several different angles, four skills stand out for me as governing most outcomes:

1. The ability to distinguish “temporarily out of favour” from “wrong”
The two strongest forces in investing are “this investment looks broken because that’s how opportunity presents itself”, and “this investment looks broken because it’s actually broken”. It’s hard to tell the difference in real time. Distinguishing between the two relies on accurately calculating the odds that something will eventually come along to heal or promote the market or company that looks broken. And since those odds are always less than 100%, it can take a while to tell if you’re any good at it, because even when the odds are in your favour, the outcome can go the wrong way. It’s hard to do. But worse, and more common, is forgetting that a distinction needs to be made in the first place.

2. The willingness to adapt views you wish were permanent
Economies grow because businesses, consumers, and technology change and adapt. It’s ironic how many investors attempt to ride this wave of change with rigid beliefs. There is a set of truly timeless investing ideas. But most of what guides us are beliefs that reflect what we’ve happened to experience in the narrow view of our own lives. Even when investors study history, they put more weight on stories that align with their own experiences, because those stories are easier to understand and confirm their beliefs.

It’s painful to contemplate, but a lot of what all of us believe about investing is either right but temporary, or wrong but convincing. If you’re unwilling to update your views when the world changes, or be open- minded enough to realise that some of your views were anecdotal to begin with, boy, you will be eaten alive in this field.

3. The ability to be comfortable being miserable
This is the most fundamental of all investment principles. You can’t enjoy the benefits of exercise without some sort of discomfort, because being out of breath, sore, or tired is the sign that you’ve put in enough effort to deserve a reward. Same in investing. The financial rewards for being comfortable as an investor are the same as the physical rewards for sitting on the couch.

Returns do not come for free. They demand a price, and they accept payment in uncertainty, confusion, short-term loss, surprise, nonsense, stretches of boredom,  regret, anxiety, fear, and sometimes even ridicule. Most markets are efficient enough to not offer any coupons. You have to pay the bill.

Read the full article at: 

October 17 2018 By Morgan Housel, a partner at the Collaborative Fund, a US venture capital firm Investing & Markets

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