NEWS | No time like the present - how to take advantage of the current higher yields on bonds.

No time like the present - how to take advantage of the current higher yields on bonds.

Global and domestic economic circumstances have increased the yields on bonds, but why is this important and what does it mean for investors? At Glacier, bond yields affect the return we are able to offer on some of our investment solutions. Jeanine Myburgh, product manager at Glacier by Sanlam, points out that the higher the yield, the greater the guaranteed rate of return.  Securing the current higher rates could therefore be a good way to ensure better returns. Glacier offers various solutions that can help you take advantage of the current attractive rates. In this article, she examines some of them.

Of course, as with all investing, what you add to, and eliminate from your investment portfolio will depend on your current financial needs and investment objectives, and the assistance of a qualified financial intermediary is invaluable.

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May 18 2023 By Glacier - Investment Insights

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