NEWS | Master Mindfulness

Master Mindfulness

Master Mindfulness - Noble Wealth Management

The health and psychological benefits of mindfulness practice have been well documented over the past 30 years, with research showing positive changes in many physiological and psychological parameters. Brain studies have shown that the practice of mindfulness can create shifts in the brain, in the direction of increased compassion, focus, introspection and learning. More recently these practices have entered the mainstream, and increasingly companies and organisations are discovering the benefits of bringing mindfulness practice into their workplace wellness programs.

Mindfulness, the capacity to pay attention in the present moment to one's thoughts, feelings and sensations without judgment, is a skill that can be learnt. The skill is developed through formal and informal daily practices. Formal practice is time taken out daily to learn to focus the mind in the present moment through meditative practices. Informal practice allows one to become more aware of daily life. Noticing where attention is during meetings. Taking a few breaths before firing off an email.  Being aware of where one's mind is whilst driving to work. These practices harness the power of being able to notice what is happening in the moment we are actually in.

The stressors and complexities in the workplace can result in high stress levels, anxiety and ultimately absenteeism. Work stress can also result in employees being at work, but struggling to be present, as their attention is drawn in multiple directions.  Mindfulness practice is useful at work where distraction is rife.

Over time, mindfulness practice serves to enhance wellness at work and can be used as an antidote to stress and anxiety. In addition, the practice can increase emotional intelligence and creativity. This is why many well-known companies have begun to implement mindfulness-based wellness programs to enhance workplace wellness.

 Get in contact with counseling psychologist, hypnotherapist, and yoga teacher Linda Kantor for more info.


June 14 2017 By Linda Kantor Wellness

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