NEWS | Looking to the long term
Looking to the long term
“Turning 50 is an incredible milestone for any business. Over the last five decades, South Africa has experienced immense political, economic and societal changes, which we have been fortunate to endure. It is often acceptable at a significant anniversary, like a golden jubilee, to look back with rose-tinted glasses. However, Mahesh Cooper remains firmly focused on the future, drawing on the experiences of the past to navigate the unknown challenges that the company will face going forward.
As I stand on the shoulders of those who have come before me, I think hard about the paths of our future – the obstacles, the challenges, the threats and the opportunities. I have grouped these into four categories, which I call the four Rs:
Investment returns are what matters most to you, our clients, and, by design, to the long-term sustainability of our business. Delivering long-term outperformance has always been, and continues to be, our core focus. We construct portfolios with the aim of achieving superior long-term returns. We strive to ensure that our clients understand our investment philosophy and approach and remain invested for long enough to benefit from them.
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November 20 2023 By Mahesh Cooper - Allan Gray