NEWS | How To Keep Healthy On A Budget

How To Keep Healthy On A Budget

How To Keep Healthy On A Budget - Noble Wealth Management

We all want to be able to go through the year without catching a cold or suffering from the occasional sniffles, so how do you go about boosting your immune system without forking out large amounts of money on vitamins? Food of course. But as we all know, it’s cheaper to buy all the unhealthy foods, than buy organic, wholesome goodies.

I’m no financial guru, but being in my 20’s, realizing that life is expensive and expenses are real, has opened my eyes to the world of budgeting, and this includes feeding yourself on less. And I’m not talking about 2-minute noodles, the occasional takeaway or cereal, but healthy choices, that are affordable and are bound to keep your body functioning at its best.

Fresh fruit

Think of fruit as nature’s way of providing us with everything our body needs. From vitamin C, to healthy fats, natural sugars and even omega 3. Aim to eat at least 3 fruits a day to combat any cravings.

Better breakfast

What I would do for an eggs benedict right now….
We learnt from a young age that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so don’t waste money on cereal that really doesn’t keep you full or provide you with any nutrients. Your best options are eggs (free-range) and oats. Both are high in healthy fats and proteins, keeping you fuller for longer. Just take note of prices. Majority of the time you are paying for the brand, so look for cheaper options.

Learn to love water

Let go of your love affair with fizzy drinks and fruit juices. Not only are they expensive, but are packed with massive amounts of sugar that your body really can’t digest.
Water on the other hand is free, prevents diseases and keeps us hydrated. If you haven’t got one yet, buy one of those nifty water filter jugs that you can store in the fridge. You can even get creative and flavor your water with flavor drops, some lemon and mint, or strawberries.

Fast food is 'junk' food

It’s okay to indulge in your favorite chocolate, or box of biscuits once in a while – everything in moderation, right? Just don’t get carried away and make it a weekly routine. Your body and your wallet won’t approve your unhealthy eating habits.

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September 30 2020 By Noble Wealth Management Financial Planning

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