NEWS | Financial advice helps you sail through your investment journey

Financial advice helps you sail through your investment journey

Have you considered engaging the services of a good, independent financial adviser? Cedrick Pila explains why having a financial adviser is much like going out to sea with a qualified expert.

An investment journey can be likened to going out to sea; in both instances you face unpredictable conditions. How well you stomach these ups and downs and whether you can stay the course depends on how prepared you are and whether you have expert knowledge on your side.

Sailors never do it alone: The skillful art of navigation allows them to be guided to their destination and to safely navigate tumultuous conditions. In the world of investments, financial advisers fulfil this role and, in many instances, financial advice can be like a life jacket, helping you stay afloat when things don’t go as planned.

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October 18 2021 By Cedrick Pila - Allan Gray

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