NEWS | Do You Talk To Your Children About Money?

Do You Talk To Your Children About Money?

Do You Talk To Your Children About Money? - Noble Wealth Management

As a dad of three wonderful children (dads are allowed to be biased) and an investment professional, a regular conundrum I face is how best to teach them about money and investing.

Much research has shown how our attitude and approach to money are shaped by our parent’s attitude to money. Just think of your own experience. Whether or not your parents spoke freely about money; whether they were part of the war generation hoarders (where all discretionary spending is considered excessive); whether they were entrepreneurial or if they were constantly over-spending and running into financial problems, would have had a significant effect on you.

Advances in technology and the ease of moving money or airtime digitally, coupled with society’s increasing wealth and instant gratification mentality as opposed to the previous generation’s weekly cash, piggy bank and savings deposit book regime, has made our job as parents even less tangible and more challenging.

With this enormous responsibility, how do we best teach our children good money management skills? What can we do to begin to help lay down the knowledge and create habits that foster future financial success? Here are three practical suggestions:

Make it real

Money issues should be discussed and made real. It is really important for children to understand the value of things and that trade-offs are required. Starting an allowance is a useful tool - be sure to set clear rules for what it is expected to cover and what behaviour is required to “earn” the allowance. Then comes what is probably the most difficult part. Both parents then need to have the discipline to stick to the agreement - including when the child runs out of money. As hard as this lesson can be, realising that money is finite and that one needs to budget and make choices is an extremely valuable lesson to learn early in life when the stakes are low.

Exercise delayed gratification and learn the benefits of compounding

Just as households need to budget and save for large capital expenditure such as cars and holidays, children should be encouraged to start saving for larger items rather than waste their money on impulse spending (how many fidget-spinners or World Cup stickers do you really need?). Research at Stanford University in the US, the much referenced “marshmallow test”, showed that the ability to display patience and delay gratification at a young age correlated strongly with better life outcomes. Of course, delayed gratification, self-control and patience are essential components to deliver compounding – and developing a true understanding of the benefits of compounding is one of the most powerful financial insights you can provide for your children.


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October 30 2017 By Nic Andrew, Executive Head of Nedgroup Investments Financial Planning, Investing & Markets

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