NEWS | 6 Simple Time Management Tips For Working Moms

6 Simple Time Management Tips For Working Moms

6 Simple Time Management Tips For Working Moms - Noble Wealth Management

  • Plan your day

Visualise the day ahead and set your goals. It’s best to do this the day before, so you have all your ducks in a row from the get-go! Once you’ve got your day planned out, you’ll know exactly what needs to be done. Master the skill of organisation, and stick to it.

  • Set working hours

Hammer away at your daily working hours, and try not work overtime. Make time for your family, friends and yourself to ensure there’s a healthy balance between work and play.

  •  Set up a schedule

This needs to be realistic! Setting unachievable goals will get you no-where. Try batching similar tasks together - this will help you declutter and manage your workload. Just remember, it’s not a race. Rather produce high quality work than a large amount of poor quantity work.

  •  Prioritize

Focus on the most important things first, as opposed to trying to do everything at once – you’ll just overwhelm yourself and create unnecessary stress. Make the most time for the tasks that actually matter.

  •  Don’t procrastinate

If something needs to be done, do it then and there. Putting it at the bottom of your to-do-list, will only push it out further. Don’t let procrastination rear its ugly face.

  •  Take a few breaks

Make time for a much-needed break. If you find yourself losing focus or stamina, step away and breath. This is a fantastic way to reboot and refresh your body and mind.


September 15 2017 By Noble Wealth Management Financial Planning

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