NEWS | 10 Ways To Save Money This Christmas Without Losing The Sparkle

10 Ways To Save Money This Christmas Without Losing The Sparkle

10 Ways To Save Money This Christmas Without Losing The Sparkle - Noble Wealth Management

With Christmas just around the corner, many people are feeling the financial crunch when they think about all of the gifts they need to purchase for friends and family. The current economy has left many people with less money to spend on gifts that they’re used to having.

The truth is that you really don’t need to worry. There are many options other than going shopping at the mall and spending too much money. Additionally, Christmas is a time to reflect on the birth of Jesus, spend quality time with family and friends, and appreciate the important things we have in our lives.

This is not to say that exchanging gifts shouldn’t be a part of Christmas. Holiday shopping is fun, and gifts are a way to show how much you care for someone, or to simply share in your friendship. Here are some creative and festive ways to save money this Christmas so the holiday season doesn’t strain your budget, or lose its sparkle!

1. Send Cards Instead of Gifts
A thoughtful Christmas card shows people that you’re thinking of them and can often mean more than a commercial gift. Save even more money by purchasing cards in bulk. Include a handwritten note that personalizes your card.

2. Make a Shopping List
When you go shopping, make a list of the items you need to purchase, this will prevent impulse purchases. Keep track of the amount of money you can afford to spend and stick to it. Establish a budget ahead of time to help you save money this Christmas.

3. Participate in a Secret Santa Gift Exchange
Instead of buying gifts for all your friends and family, draw one person’s name and become that person’s Secret Santa. Place a dollar limit on how much to spend. Instead of buying gifts for many people, you can focus your giving on one person.

4. Save on Wrapping Paper
Purchase wrapping paper at discount stores. Save gift bags throughout the year, then you won’t need as much wrapping paper. Wrapping paper goes on clearance just after Christmas, so stock up a year in advance and you’ll save a lot of money.

5. Shop Online
Most stores extend their sales and promotions to their online stores. Compare prices easily and look for online promotion codes to save even more money. You’ll save on gas money when you don’t have to drive to stores, too.

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December 13 2018 By Tracy Collins - LifeHack Financial Planning

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